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Mold Remediation Houston

Licensed and trained mold remediation specialists in Houston Texas and surrounding areas.

Mold Remediation Houston Tx

Welcome to Mold Remediation Houston! We will be telling you about us and the services we provide and other things. Something you may want to know about mold is that you shouldn’t use clorox cleaning wipes on it, because it just feeds off of it!

It doesn’t kill the mold and disinfect the area, it makes it worse. If you want to try a home remedy then you should try white distilled vinegar or lysol spray or something of that nature.

Our company is all about telling you these little tricks you may know without having it cost you a thing! If it's a minor mold problem that we know you can handle we will tell you. Honesty is the best policy.

We provide services like, mold clean up, mold testing, inspection, mold removal, mold remediation, mold specialist and other things. Mold Removal Is an important thing to have access to and having a company you can trust and that’s what we are here for and to help with.

About Mold Removal Houston

We are a company positive team. We only like to hire people that are wanting a happy environment. A team is only as strong as its weakest link so it's best to have the strongest team you possibly can and have uplifting coworkers. If you can’t count on your team you can’t count on anyone and you need to be able to count on them.

We believe that if our employees can count on each other and if other people get good positive vibes from them then they will feel more positive and likely to feel like they can count on the people fixing their problem. Houston Mold Removal is known for being a friendly company!

Our goal is to get to as many customers as possible every single day and if possible get to all the calls that day. Obviously we are human and sometimes things aren’t possible, but we definitely have a team that goes above and beyond to try and get all the work done.

Our customers love us and refer us to many because of how proactive we are! They love how important we make them feel. They love how they pick up after themselves and do the whole project very clean. Mold clean up Houston takes their time to make sure everything looks pristine every second of the way.

Why Choose Mold Removal Houston TX

Customers have come to us time and time again because they never feel let down or waved off and pushed to the side. They love our customer service. They also love how our members are certified professionals in this field and know exactly everything going on and aren’t just winging it.

We have been around for years and years! We are one of the longest standing mold companies and have so much experience. We like to keep our knowledge wide and to have an open mind to new ways of how to do things.

When there’s a change or an update of some sort for the system of how to do things we keep to the times and what is the best for our customers. We don’t let something old hold us back because even if it worked well then, we know the update and upgrade will work great now!

If you give us a call we are all there to be able to give you a free estimate and to even schedule you an appointment and get things going to make sure your home is healthy and that you don’t have any toxic things around that you may not know about.

Important things to know about our company:

  • We are insured so everyone possible can go through us with no worries.
  • We have a great clean up crew.
  • We inspect all of your home to make sure that there isn’t any extra mold that you may be unaware of.
  • We test the mold to see how much there is and how much needs to be taken care of.
  • You are a number one priority.
  • Our Houston Mold Remediation team is great at helping you know ways to keep mold away permanently so that the problem doesn’t come back.
  • We even do homicide, suicide, crime scene clean ups. So we do things that aren’t all centered around mold as well.

What to Expect from Houston Mold Removal

Like I said above, we definitely like to and try to keep with the times and get the updates and upgrades. We do hold onto older appliances just in case a customer specifically requests for it, but other than that we try to stick with the new equipment that we are given.

Our service that we like to try to maintain is a very wide range. We like to have our employees know how to do everything so that if the customer has any questions or requests that the job can get done no matter what. We do our best to maintain a friendly and professional atmosphere from our workers.

Customers like choosing our company a lot because of how we do things. When we first start a new project we go over a plan with the customer, we do a step by step process on how everything works and how the job will get done so then our customer is not left in the dark and so they understand everything going on.

To get the process started, we are coming to fix and or inspect the infestation you need to call first. After we take your phone call and hear about your concerns we then try to get someone to you within just an hour or so. The longest anyone has to wait is just till the next morning, but that's only if we are slammed busy.

After that then they come over and start working on the project. Depending on your situation it may start differently, but our workers are very thorough with everything and make sure they take their time to not miss a step.

Services Mold Removal Houston Provides

We provide many services in Spokane, Spokane Valley and surrounding areas in regards to mold. We do mold remediation, mold removal, mold inspection and testing, and water damage repair.

houston mold removal & remediation

Mold Removal & Mold Remediation

After testing, and or inspecting and finding the mold there will always be a process how it's done. Of course it may be different depending on where the mold is at. If the mold lays on the dry wall depending on how bad it is you may have to get that drywall removed completely.

If it's on a surface it will need to be sprayed and scrubbed at very aggressively to make sure the job gets done right and correct. The job is important to us to get done in a thorough manner.

Mold Remediation Houston TX is the nice little process at the end of all the work. This is where they pretty much seal the deal! They help give you a remedy of ways to keep the mold away so then you don’t have to worry about it coming back.

That’s the huge mistake many mold removal Houston companies out there make is that they don’t educate their customers on how to keep the mold away and they just end up being disappointed because the mold ends up coming back even after paying someone to get rid of it.

houston mold testing & mold inspections

Mold Testing & Inspection

Mold testing Houston is when the worker is in your home they will start with testing what you're concerned about especially if the mold is not visible.

When they do this testing process they will be able to solve how much mold is there and what needs to be done specifically that will be best to get rid of the fungus.

Mold inspection Houston is usually after the worker looks and tests what you are worried about they will inspect your home to see if there are any other strange smells or visible infestations of mold in your home to know if the problem is larger than it may appear.

It's so very important that they do this because there’s not much worse than thinking you solved your problem when it was living somewhere else all along as well.

About Spokane Washington

Houston is a large metrolips in Texas. The sales tax rate is 8.2% and the income tax rate is 0.0%. Houston is known for the capital of space exploration. The population is 2.326 million!

The cities that surround Houston are:

  • Baytown, TX
  • Clear Lake City, TX
  • Channelview TX
  • Alvin, TX
  • Angleton, TX
  • Bay City, TX
  • Aldine, TX
  • Algoa, TX
  • Many other surrounding areas


I had the most professional work done today by Mold Removal Houston TX. I appreciated their service because work that’s been done in the past in my home was not done well or in a friendly manner. I just had to do a Houston mold inspection review and tell you that your worker did such a great job today.

- Jerry W.

I loved the hard work that was done in my home. He worked hard and fast and didn’t take too long for the small problem of mold I had going on. He talked me through everything and was patient at helping me understand everything that happened and how to prevent it for next time. Thanks man!

- Steven M.

I’ve never experienced mold in my life before but this team of workers were so friendly and kind. I apparently had so many mold spores in the air and on surfaces they had to sample because I could not stop feeling like I had a constant cold. It's only been a couple weeks and I'm already feeling worlds better! Thank you!

- Carly J.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are the mold inspections for free?

A: Unfortunately no, mold inspection Houston does cost a fair amount because of all the equipment needed to do it and the special and specific process done to find it all out. We are able to give you a free estimate though as to how much it may all cost.

Q: What does toxic mold look like?

A: All mold is toxic and not good for you but the worst kind is green mold and black mold. Those are usually found in attics, but can also be found in closets or in corners of rooms. Obviously other places too, but those are the most common.

Q: How long does it take someone to recover from mold sickness?

A: It really depends on you and your immune system and your body's strengths and weaknesses. If your body can overcome the toxins fairly fast it’ll only take a few weeks, but for someone that is much weaker to the mold it can take up to over a year to recover.

Q: If I didn’t pay for a mold test or inspection do you think the mold removal would be worth paying for?

A: Definitely! With no shadow of doubt it would be worth every penny. Mold Removal Services Houston provides should be taken seriously. They can make your life so much better and healthier, even getting rid of some mold is better than not getting rid of any.

Contact Us Today!

Overall as you can see we are a hard working and very efficient team! Give us a call today and we can set up an appointment for you and a free estimate! It's so important to take care of yourself and to make sure the environment you are in is a safe one!

Call Mold Remediation Houston TX today! We will make it worth your time!

Contact us for a free estimate to determine if you have mold and need our Houston mold removal services!

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